From joining as a Marketing Committee Member in 2010, to leading us through 2018-2020 as the Board Chair, Moua has done it all, and is a force to be reckoned with. As she transitions off our governance board and takes a spot on our advisory board, we have much to be thankful for due to her dedication to this organization. We’ll miss her energetic motivational quips, her can-do attitude towards life, and her stories about her various hobbies such as competing in athletic competitions and tending to her huge backyard garden. Moua shared with us some parting words as she embarks on her next chapter.

2020 really had me thinking about everything in life I am grateful for that help me grow a little bit wiser every year. One of these was the opportunity to serve within the YNPN network. Back in 2008, after graduating with my second degree, I became a full-time Human Rights Activist and had been traveling to the United Nations to advocate for Indigenous peoples’ rights, from the Hmong in Laos to the tribes of the Amazon.
Shortly after getting burnt out from activism, I was happy to have found a group of do-gooders that were also passionate about solving problems in the world. YNPNsfba provides a space to grow with its “learn-by-doing” volunteer culture and opportunities to develop leadership skills. I am also thankful for all the amazing friendships along the way.
From my years of being with YNPNsfba, I found connecting with people and helping them network to be the most fulfilling. I am fortunate to have met other nonprofit leaders during the YNPN National Conference who are also passionate about transforming the nonprofit sector. I am constantly inspired by the leaders who are part of this network –one that extends from the Bay Area to the East Coast and beyond.
As I transition from board member to an advisory board role, I know the capable new leadership team is committed to the YNPN community during these tough times. As we continue to navigate the many challenges in our lives and in our organizations, whether we are losing jobs or losing family members to the pandemic, may we continue to be compassionate towards each other and lend a hand as needed.
Moua Lo
If you’re also a go-getter that is passionate about advocating for other young nonprofit professionals in the Bay Area, consider joining our board! For more details, visit send us an email at