About Us

Young Nonprofit Professionals Network – San Francisco Bay Area (YNPNsfba) is a leading voice for young nonprofit professionals in the Bay Area and serves as a hub for folks to connect, partner, learn, grow, and build a diverse, equitable, and inclusive sector.
This vast network’s humble beginnings started in our very on San Francisco Bay Area in 1997, when 12 eager nonprofit professionals in San Francisco were looking for ways to connect with others in the sector. They noted they all shared similar challenges: low wages, little professional development, and few opportunities for advancement.
Quickly and organically, this small group turned into an industry powerhouse where members seized the opportunity to hone skills they wouldn’t normally have the chance to do in their normal jobs. These founding members cast the original vision of YNPN – supporting young people in the nonprofit workforce. It is through connecting, partnering, and learning from each other that we built a strong network of emerging leaders, professional development, and community.
As YNPN first began, the Support Center for Nonprofits (now CompassPoint Nonprofit Services in Oakland, CA) and the Haas Jr. Fund provided the first financial grants and the San Francisco Foundation provided the meeting space. Support Center members and their nonprofit peers cast the original vision.
Today, YNPNsfba is an affiliate of YNPN National – a national network that serves more than 50,000 members and consists of 39 chapters cities and metro areas across the United States and Canada.
- Empowerment: We possess the skills and talent needed to create change. We are eager and able to create professional and volunteer opportunities for our peers.
- Innovation: We are thought leaders engaged in continuous learning. We learn by doing.
- Community: We celebrate community-driven leadership through interconnectedness, interdependence, and collaborative gain.
Young Nonprofit Professionals Network - San Francisco Bay Area is fiscally sponsored by Social Good Fund, (Tax-ID): 46-1323531.